Blog Archives

Building research capacity: to translate knowledge from research to clinical environments?

I first wrote about capacity building activities in primary health care back in 2003; as a strategy to facilitate clinicians to use, participate in and lead research. We highlighted the cultural divide between the almost independent industries of research production

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Posted in allied health clinicians, clinical improvement, collaboration, networks, organisational development, research capacity, research methods

Does research knowledge change clinical practice?

When we teach clinicians the skills of  evidence-based practice (EBP), we encourage them to search for and critically appraise research  evidence to answer their clinical questions. Then, we expect them to apply this research evidence to improve their clinical practice,

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Posted in change, complex interventions, evidence-based practice, implementation, knowledge translation, organisation, sustainability, using research

What is KT?

Phrases referring to knowledge translation (KT) usually combine two words; the first describes knowledge, research, evidence or information, and the second usually refers to the process of sharing, translating, utilising, implementing or integrating. Sometimes I wonder if we really have

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Posted in definition

Translating knowledge for practice…myth or reality

Evidence-based health care proposes the use of scientific research evidence to inform clinicians’ decisions in line with patients’ wishes and values. Over the last 20 years there has been a massive increase in the profile and range of research evidence

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Posted in introduction