Blog Archives

How does Knowledge translation relate to evidence-based practice?

The most common definition of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) describes the explicit use of current best evidence in making decisions about individual patient care. It means integrating research evidence, with clinicians’ expertise and patient values. Over the last 20 years, the

Posted in barriers, behaviour, clinical improvement, clinician expertise, evidence-based practice, facilitators, health care services, knowledge translation, Uncategorized

How research can improve patient care?

Life-changing research can only benefit patients if they receive an appropriate intervention (as part of normal clinical care)  implemented in the way it was designed. We need to reduce the time lag, currently estimated at 17 years, between research discovery

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Posted in collaboration, culture, health care services, implementation, improvement, organisation, patients, research culture, sustainability, using research

Stakeholders: key to understanding context?

How should you decide which aspects of context to analyse in order to apply research to improve clinical practice? Can I suggest that stakeholders who have high interest, influence and power are best able to identify the key aspects of

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Posted in clinical practice, context, culture, evidence, health care services, improvement, leadership

Keys to improving healthcare services

Can innovation be led by clinicians and professionals in local healthcare services? Can these innovations drive improved services for patients? It seems possible – at least in a recent learning report produced by the Health Foundation, who sponsored 32 Shine

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Posted in health care services, healthcare professional, implementation, improvement, information, innovation, learning, organisation